hair dye

The Kapperssolden range consists of many different types of hair dye. But which one do you need? Changing the hair color has been done since 1661, various methods have been used to make the hair black, golden blond, green, red, yellow and even the latest trend; grey/white!


The history of hair dye

The Romans researched hair coloring and had over a hundred recipes for doing it with natural ingredients! In 1907, Eugène Schueller, the founder of L'Oreal Professional, invented the first synthetic hair dye on the market, but this product was sold very little at the time. More than a hundred years later, the L'OrealMajirel is one of the best-selling hair colors in the world!

You can recognize the natural hair colors by the color number:

    1. Black
    2. Very dark brown
    3. Dark brown
    4. medium brown
    5. Light brown
    6. Dark blonde
    7. medium blonde
    8. light blond
    9. very light blond
    10. white blond


We distinguish hair dye by 3 different categories:

Permanent hair coloring, also called hair dye. The color is not washable and will fade over time. It is important that when coloring the hair, a hydrogen/developer is always used.

Semi-permanent hair coloring, contains smaller color molecules. The color is washable.

Bright colors of hair dye, always temporary. And the color is washable. Such as the hair coloring from La RicheDirections or Crazy Color. These provide a striking color in the hair, from purple, green, red or blue. It is important that the hair is first bleached before the bright hair color is applied. The most unique looks are created with a bright color in the hair. This way of coloring is always temporary, the duration of the color can be extended with special ColorShampoos. The color will fade after a while and then go out of the hair. Then another color can be applied.

Tip: For a unique color, hair dyes from the same brand can be mixed for a color that no one has

Within our range there is of course a top 5 hair dye among our customers. We don't want to withhold this from you.

    1. Wella Koleston
    2. Schwarzkopf Igora Royal
    3. L'Oreal Majirel
    4. La Riche Directions
    5. Imperity Singularity

Need advice on choosing the right hair dye?
If you are still in doubt which hair dye is most suitable for your hair? Or do you want to know more about the differences between one hair dye and the other? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to lend a hand in the large selection of hair colors.

Because every hair is slightly different, the end result of hair dye or a color rinse can depend on the hair color and hair type. As a result, we at Kapperssolden cannot give any guarantee on the result. We therefore advise you to read the package leaflet carefully and to follow the instructions correctly. Of course we can always help with the choice of color or advice, as far as that is of course possible by e-mail or telephone.

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